For Appointment: Raiya Circle: 8905150606 8460044502 Mavdi: 7575887500 9924047400

Service Details

Advance Fatal Medicine Department

Our Foetal Medicine Department is equipped with advanced 3D/4D ultrasound scanning equipment, utilized by experienced ultrasound specialists to monitor the growth and development of your unborn baby at various stages of pregnancy. This approach aids in the early detection of illnesses and abnormalities, enabling prompt and effective treatments.

Key Scanning Stages

  1. First Trimester Scan: Estimates delivery date, checks for twins, and confirms placental implantation site.
  2. Second Trimester Scan: Assesses organ development, amniotic fluid levels, and blood flow to and within the baby.
  3. Third Trimester Scan: Monitors foetal well-being, growth rate, and baby’s weight.

High-Risk Pregnancy Management

We provide specialized care for high-risk pregnancies, including those with chronic hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disorders, and multiple pregnancies.

Genetic Counselling

Our genetic counselling services include family history evaluation, advice on minimally invasive and non-invasive tests, and compassionate family counselling.

Why Choose Payal Maternity Home Rajkot?

As a leading healthcare provider dedicated to women and children, Payal Maternity Home Rajkot stands at the forefront of integrated foetal care. From diagnosis to treatment, we offer comprehensive care for pregnancies with foetal abnormalities and disorders. If necessary, we advocate a team approach with our associated specialties to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

First Trimester Scan

  1. Early Pregnancy / Viability Scan: An early pregnancy scan is very important as it confirms the pregnancy and establishes a due date. It is a transabdominal scan (done over the tummy) and is performed between 7-11 weeks of pregnancy. It also helps in confirmation of the number of embryos, the presence of a heartbeat, and the detection of internal bleeding, if any.
  2. NT Scan: A Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan is an ultrasound that measures the amount of fluid collected under the skin at the back of the baby’s neck. It is usually done between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy. The significance of the NT scan is that it helps in determining the likelihood of Down’s syndrome. Payal Maternity Home Rajkot’s expert doctors and team are well trained in performing NT Scans and providing you with the best possible assistance.
  3. Transvaginal Scan (TVS): It is an internal examination in which the specialist inserts an ultrasound probe of about 2-3 inches inside the vaginal canal. This test is performed between 6-10 weeks of pregnancy and is extremely useful in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, cysts, fibroids, pelvic infection, etc.

Second Trimester Scan

  1. Anomaly Scan: Also known as mid-pregnancy scan, this test is usually performed between 18-21 weeks of pregnancy. Payal Maternity Home Rajkot’s doctors and team check for the development of the baby and the position of the placenta in this scan. The doctors carefully examine the baby’s head, face, heart, abdominal walls, kidneys, placenta, and amniotic fluid to check the healthy development. Various diseases or conditions like cleft lip, brain injuries, etc., can be determined with an anomaly scan.
  2. Growth Scan: As the name suggests, this diagnostic scan is to check for the baby’s overall development. Parameters like baby’s growth, weight, the quantity of amniotic fluid, and the position of the placenta are assessed in this scan. It is also highly recommended if you’ve had complications in previous pregnancies or if you have medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Third Trimester Scan

  1. Interval Growth Scan: Similar to a growth scan, the interval growth scan is usually performed between 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. This scan studies the biophysical profile of the baby, which includes the movement of arms/legs, stretches and flexes, breathing movements, and opening and closing of hands. Payal Maternity Home Rajkot’s extremely qualified team of professionals is well-experienced at performing such tests and treating irregularities, if any.
  2. Term Scan: Done at around 36 weeks of pregnancy, this is a final test to ensure that the baby is in good health. The doctors check for the exact location of the baby and the position of the placenta. Other parameters related to the baby’s health, like the amount of amniotic fluid, are also checked. If everything is medically fit, the baby is all set for delivery.

Regional Branch

Mavdi Branch